Erin Jewell
Children & Family Director
Erin has lived most of her life in Iowa. She was blessed to be raised in a godly home, realizing her need for Jesus at an early age, and making a lifelong decision and commitment to Christ as a teenager.
Erin met her husband, Luke, in high school, and they were married in 1999. After five years in music ministry, Luke pursued another career path which led them to the Quad Cities in 2005. Erin graduated with a degree in elementary education and taught 5th grade for one year.
When the prospect to work from home became available, Erin began working in the field of higher education as the Director of Alumni Relations for a small, private liberal arts college. During this time, she completed her master’s degree in professional writing.
After several years as a stay-at-home mom, Erin accepted a part-time position at Coram Deo Bible Church in 2016, followed by the transition into full-time ministry as Children's Director in 2018. She now serves as the Children & Family Director. Erin is grateful for this opportunity to be used by God to impact the lives of children and families for eternity. Erin desires all families to realize the urgency of instilling the truth of God’s Word and the light of Christ into children of all ages. Working and serving at Coram Deo Bible Church is a joy and an honor.
Erin and Luke reside in Davenport with their two children, Violet and Henry. Erin also loves serving in Women's Ministry, writing, gardening, spending time outside, baking, and reading. Jesus Christ has always been a constant presence and faithful guide in her life, and she can’t wait to see what happens next!