Julie Jacobson

Biblical Counselor

Julie grew up on a farm in Central Illinois. Her family attended church, but it was not until her freshman year of college that she realized her desperate need for a Savior. She graduated from Illinois Wesleyan University with a degree in Elementary Education and then moved to Denver, Colorado to teach. While there, she grew in her love for God, His Word, and for His people. She served with the youth at her church and traveled with them every summer to Poland for short-term missions trips.  

Julie married her husband, Mark, in early 2008. The following summer, Mark accepted a job that moved them to the Quad Cities, and they began attending Coram Deo at that time. Julie and Mark have three daughters: Nicole, Callie, and Adelynn. She was able to stay home to raise them.

In 2020, after moving back from a three-year time period living in Belgium for her husband's work, Julie began serving at Coram Deo with Biblical Soul Care. Then, in 2022, she started an apprenticeship with Twelve Stones Ministries in Indiana for Biblical Counselling which was completed in the Fall of 2023. She is pursuing certification through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.  

Julie is very excited to be able to serve the women of Coram Deo as a Biblical Counselor.  

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