KOZ Boys Outdoor Ministry

April 15, 2024

Kids Outdoor Zone (KOZ)

Boys Outdoor Adventure Ministry

Kids Outdoor Zone (KOZ) is an outdoor adventure ministry that was originally founded around the need for fatherless boys to have godly male role models in their lives. Today, over 40% of the boys in our nation do not have a dad living at home. The lack of this male role model has created a dramatic increase in drug use, school drop-out, teen pregnancy, and more. The average kid also spends 70 hours a week in front of a screen, and only 40 minutes a week outside. This trend is creating an unhealthy mental, physical, and spiritual population among our boys today. However, all statistics show that boys’ lives improve when they have a mentor—specifically, an adult male.

KOZ now seeks to train up and equip godly men within local churches to reach the fatherless boys (ages 8–18) within their community and church. Boys of all backgrounds gravitate to KOZ for mentorship, leadership, loving care, and the adventure of the outdoors. Meeting monthly, KOZ leaders mentor and disciple their boys, teaching them outdoor adventure skills along with biblical teaching. Leaders may also offer opportunities such as hunting, fishing, camping, and other outdoor adventure trips.

KOZ Davenport Ministry Details


Fatherless boys (ages 8–18) looking to connect with a godly male role model while learning outdoor adventure skills.
Boys do not need to attend Coram Deo in order to participate.


Meets Monthly


Varies Depending on Activity


Free, but registration is required.
Boys can join at any time!
All literature and curriculum are provided.


Contact Will Sybesma at (920) 579-7281 or koz-davenport@outlook.com.

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