Moms4Moms September Gathering

Coram Deo Women

Moms4Moms is a monthly time of encouragement, community, and practical teaching to equip moms to raise their children on the foundation of the Bible. Moms of all ages and stages are welcome!

September Topic: Embracing the Joy and Privilege of Motherhood

Moms of all ages and stages, we want to invite you to help us kick off the ministry year at our Moms4moms Gathering on September 7! We will meet in the Upper Classroom at 6pm for an uplifting evening focused on the joy and privilege of raising our children on the foundation of the Bible. Come hear practical words of encouragement, connect with other moms, and look ahead to a dynamic year of growth! Bring a friend and enjoy the fun!

Event Coordinator Malorie Aho

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