Women's Summer Study 2024

Coram Deo Women

Women's Summer Study

Monday Evenings • 6:00–8:00pm

June 3–17, 2024

This summer we are getting grounded to grow!!! Come join us as we explore the core doctrines and beliefs of our Christian faith and see how this truth impacts every part of our lives. We will be laying a strong foundation for your growth in theology as we study the nature and character of God, learn why we can trust the Bible and gain skills in how to study it, find out why Jesus is different from every other religious leader, and embrace the gift of living wholeheartedly for Him. If you are a new believer or have been saved for many years, this study will fuel your worship of God and inspire you to live in obedience to His Word. Our study will meet Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings for 3 weeks starting June 3rd and 4th. We look forward to growing with you!

Registration is closed. Walk-in registration will be available the first night of study.
Cost: $10/person
Childcare is not available

Event Coordinator Malorie Aho

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