High Five 2025

Coram Deo Kids

High Five

Save the Date: June 23–27, 2025

High Five is a week-long summer day camp at Coram Deo Bible Church for incoming 1st – 5th graders. Kids will choose two electives, a morning and an afternoon elective, where they'll participate in hands-on activities and learn how they can use their talents and skills for Christ because it’s all about Jesus! High Five meets each day from 8:30am – 3:30pm.

More details to come in early 2025!

                        High Five 2024 Highlights:

                        High Five 2024 (June 22–28, 2024) was an amazing week as kids learned what it means to be UNSHAKEABLE and live a life standing firm on God’s Truth! Kids memorized Romans 12:1-2 – “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

                        It was five days full of hundreds of kids, students, and adults using their gifts to do everything for the glory of God! The talent was incredible: cupcake competitions, building Adirondak chairs, obstacle courses, nerf gun wars, laser tag, tennis matches, volleyball, fishing excursions, archery, skateboarding tricks, glitter glamor, extreme trampoline dodgeball, farming, livestock, relays, matchbox car racing, LEGO, LEGO, and more LEGO, water balloons, fingernail polish, taekwondo, golf, woodworking, parachute games, softball, traveling the QC, programming robots, art projects, football, sewing, song writing, dancing, praise and worship, biblical teaching, and so much more!

                        Our church building was full of 550 kids and 420 leaders who all participated in 26 different electives; 13 onsite at the church and 13 offsite at various locations throughout the Quad Cities. They learned that we should combat the lies of the world with the Truth of God’s Word. Our Bible Truths for the week were: Truth comes from God; God’s plan is best; Everyone needs Jesus; Jesus is the only way; and Speak the truth in love. The Bible should be our foundation for life and we should always trust what Jesus says as our ultimate source of Truth. All this resulted in over 25 decisions for Christ! 

                        We are so thankful for the wonderful ways God continues to work in the lives of our Coram Deo Kids and families!

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