Fan the Flame Marriage Conference
All Church Coram Deo Women Coram Deo Men Biblical Soul Care
Fan the Flame Marriage Conference
January 31 – February 2, 2025
Married couples, come fan the flame of your romance at the Fan the Flame Marriage Conference! Join Pastor Rob & Becky for a weekend dedicated to growing and strengthening our marriages. Throughout the weekend, you'll enjoy main session teaching from Pastor Rob & Becky where you'll learn biblical and practical ways to grow closer together as a couple, fantastic breakout sessions, fellowship with other couples, and lots of food and coffee. Whether your marriage is in desperate need of help, or your marriage is doing really well and you just want to make it better, this is the place for you and your spouse to be!
Hear a word about the conference from Pastor Rob & Becky:
- Friday, January 31 • 6:30pm–8:30pm
Main session with Pastor Rob & Becky followed by fellowship and desserts - Saturday, February 1 • 8:00am–12:30pm
Main session with Pastor Rob & Becky followed by breakout sessions - Sunday, February 2 • 8:30am or 10:30am
The conference will conclude on Sunday during our normal worship services with a marriage-focused message by Pastor Rob, as well as an optional breakout session (Testimonies of Hope)
Breakout Sessions
On Saturday, you will have the opportunity to attend two breakout sessions! Sessions include:
Healthy Intimacy
Taught by Pastor Rob & Becky Willey
God intends that married couples enjoy the "one-flesh" relationship as He designed, but so many things get in the way. Hear both a husband and wife's perspective on healthy intimacy and how to cultivate it in the home.
The "Sweet Spot" of Conflict
Taught by Jason & Karla Taylor
Every marriage experiences conflict, but sometimes disagreement escalates and breaks the unity between spouses. See how God works to bring peace between Himself and mankind and learn practical strategies that create a culture of peace in the home.
Biblical Money Principles
Taught by Tim & Kim Millage
The Bible has much to say about how we use money, but finding agreement together on this topic is challenging. Learn how to bring joy and unity back to stewarding the money God has supplied.
Stop Fixing Your Spouse & Start Loving Them
Taught by Robbie & Anna Isley
Spouses all tend to have "tools" that they use to "fix" the areas in each other that they would like to see changed, and they become rather skilled at using them. Learn how to put these "tools" down and develop practical ways to love your spouse like Jesus.
Cultivating Friendship with My Spouse
Taught by Jesse & Sydney Slinkman
As the years pass and distractions abound, the friendship that once thrived between spouses can begin to dwindle. Learn practical ways to prioritize and rekindle friendship together.
Celebrate the Way God Created Your Spouse
Taught by Mark & Sylvia Zuiderveen
Husbands and wives are different. Period. The same diversities that once drew spouses together often become frustrations over years of marriage. Learn how to graciously appreciate the ways that God made husbands and wives beautifully distinct.
Find Your Own Spot
Find a spot in the church for you and your spouse to sit and discuss your marriage as it relates to Pastor Rob & Becky's session teachings.
Testimonies of Hope (Sunday Only)
God grows marriages through challenges and suffering. But dark times don't last, and there is much hope. Hear testimonies from Jonathan & Emylee Kamper, Chad & Sarah Kraklio, and Jeremy & Bethany Tatman as they share their personal marriage struggles and how they found hope in an intimacy with God and each other. (This optional breakout will take place in the Lobby Classroom during each worship service on Sunday morning.)
Pricing & Registration
- Cost: $25/couple
- Registration includes a weekend of outstanding teaching; a variety of desserts on Friday evening; and a lite grab 'n go brunch, snacks, and coffee on Saturday
- Childcare is not provided