Coram Deo Outreach offers opportunities for the church to serve and witness to those outside the four walls of our building as we seek to be a light for Jesus and spread the Gospel to an unbelieving world. We partner with local organizations doing God's work within our community, as well as global partners working to advance His Kingdom around the globe.
Explore this page to learn more about ways you can get involved through serving, praying, giving, or even going!
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Global Missions has become a program for a few rather than a purpose for all. We believe every Christian has a part to play in reaching the nations. Join us for Consider Missions and/or Engage Global to discover your role! Multiple opportunities are available.
Join us for a one-session class as we explore what it means to be a "Global Christian." You will gain clarity on the task of global missions, grow a passion for God’s glory among the nations, and get equipped with the resources to participate in the mandate. This is a great first step for anyone interested in attending Engage Global!
April 6 • July 27 • October 12
Join us for a 4-day interactive missions experience in the Twin Cities as we engage other cultures, learn what our role is when it comes to reaching the nations, and ignite a passion for God’s global glory! This trip is open to everyone (age 16+); not just those interested in going into full-time missions.
May 29–June 1 • October 23–26
If no events are listed, please check back at a later date
God is doing amazing things through our local partners in the Quad Cities. They are daily sharing the love of Jesus while meeting the tangible needs of those within our community. Would you join us in praying for these partners? In addition to prayer, consider donating to their efforts or volunteering your time to serve.
The mission of Hope at the Brick House is to give hope to individuals and families through spiritual, educational, and community-based support.
The vision of Lives of Legacy is that the at-risk community in the Quad Cities would be equipped to escape poverty through strengths-based development and training.
The mission of Together for Good is to create pathways for the church to come alongside vulnerable families in Christ-centered ministry.
Coram Deo partners with River Bend Foodbank to host a food pantry for Williams Junior High School which provides food for students and families who are in need and attend the school.
The mission of Pregnancy Resources is to see abortions and unplanned pregnancies decrease as our community is impacted by biblically-based resources and services.
The mission of World Relief is to serve the refugee community of the Quad Cities by providing friendship, cultural/practical education, and emotional/spiritual support.
The mission of YouthHope is to bring at-risk children and teens from low-income areas into a life-changing relationship with Christ through encouraging, equipping, and empowering them.
The mission of One Eighty is to provide godly and Holy Spirit-led restoration to men, women, and children in crisis through hands-on discipleship, the Word of God, and prayer.
Our Sent Partners are those raised up and sent out by Coram Deo for the purpose of taking the Gospel to unreached people groups around the world. Would you join us in praying for and supporting our Sent Partners?
Are you feeling called to enter the missions field? Contact our Outreach Ministry at (563) 359-5333 to learn more about our sending process.
Josh & Ally were Coram Deo's first Sent Partners. After finishing their training at Radius International, Josh & Ally entered the field in 2019. They are currently serving to bring the Gospel to unreached people in North Africa.
Donations given in support of Josh & Ally can be made through Pioneers. Please be sure to use Account #112884.
Ben & Christina graduated from Radius International's pre-field training program in 2022. They are currently in the United States for further training prior to entering the field.
Donations given in support of Ben & Christina can be made through Global Serve International. Please be sure to include their name in your submission.
Kevin, Amanda, and their daughter, Aubrienne, desire to bring the Bible to a Bibleless people group in West Africa. Kevin plans to serve as a Translation Facilitator to help translate the Bible into the local language of the people. As Scripture is translated, both Kevin & Amanda look forward to sharing God’s Word with people in discipleship relationships and to seeing lives transformed through God’s Word in the local language.
John & Jamy work with Pioneers supporting more than ten teams in two South East Asian countries. These current teams and others in development focus on church planting among unreached people groups. From their home base in Nevada and frequent trips overseas, John & Jamy support these teams through member care, mentoring, accountability, training, and leadership development. They further assist the teams by helping enlist new members, and by fostering communication with local sending and supporting churches.
Donations given in support of John & Jamy can be made through Pioneers. Please be sure to use Account #112875.
Radius International trains singles, couples, and families who are committed to long-term, pioneer church planting among unreached language groups. Radius students acquire spiritual, relational, emotional, and moral maturity, as well as the physical stamina that will enable them to survive the rigors of cross-cultural living.
Coram Deo partners with Radius International for the purpose of training up and equipping our Sent Partners prior to their entering the field.
Radius Day is an opportunity to see Radius International up close and personal during an on-site visit. While on campus, you will hear from their instructors, staff, students, and alumni. You'll become informed about the methodologies, philosophies, and missiology being taught, and will get a chance to see what training in a cross-cultural setting will do for the long-term church planter.
If you are interested in attending Radius Day, please contact our Outreach Ministry at (563) 359-5333.
Coram Deo's Radius Fund is designated to help pay for the cost of tuition for any future students our church would send to Radius International to be trained up and sent out.
Gifts can be given to the Radius Fund using our online giving platform. Please be sure to select "Radius Fund" as the fund designation for your gift.
Give to the Radius Fund
Please note that the Radius Fund is only live when there are current or prospective students in the pipeline to go to Radius.
Our Global Partners are those we partner with in an effort to advance God's Kingdom around the globe. Would you join us in praying for and supporting our Global Partners?
Located in Guatemala, Impact Ministries seeks to train Guatemalans for leadership by teaching biblical principles in such a way that they become integrated into their lives and effect spiritual change in their society, and to impact North American Christians for world missions. Schools, orphan care, churches, and medical aid are just a few of the areas where Impact Ministries seeks to grow, support, and equip within the region.
Coram Deo frequently partners with Impact Ministries on short-term missions trips. Through our Coram Deo Kids offering, we also support a class of students at Impact's Vida Elementary School Purulhá.
James & Renata are currently serving at the Saint Paul Cultural Center in Turkey. Through the SPCC, they also serve with Olive Grove, a Christ-centered, English-speaking holiday adventure designed for children and youth who are impacted by multi-cultural influences. Olive Grove's purpose is to provide children and youth ages 8–18 with unforgettable opportunities and challenges to grow as individuals, friends, and followers of God.
Alan & Aimee are currently serving the Lord in Europe. Donations given in support of Alan & Aimee can be made through Pioneers. Please use Account #111798.
Romania Outreach Ministries is a non-profit organization that is involved in education, pastoral care, church construction, youth camps, and relief work in Romania. It was founded by Pastor Arne & Carolyn.
42% of the world's population has yet to hear the Gospel. Join us in praying for these unreached people groups. Learn more about unreached people groups at
We are passionate about equipping and sending out pastors to plant and lead churches as we seek to fulfill The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). Would you join us in praying for our church plants and sent pastors?