Are you soon to be engaged or at least considering it? Are you engaged already with a wedding date on the calendar? If so, we would love to help you prepare for marriage through biblical and practical instruction through Premarital. This mentorship consists of seven sessions which will help you discover God’s purpose for marriage and biblical commitment. Prepare now to build your marriage on a lasting foundation.
All couples wishing to be married at Coram Deo Bible Church and/or by one of our Pastors must first complete Premarital.
Session 1: Jesus Must Be the Center of Your Life
Session 2: Love with Jesus as the Center
Session 3: Problem Solving with Jesus as the Center
Session 4: Roles and Expectations with Jesus as the Center
Session 5: Communication with Jesus as the Center
Session 6: Finances with Jesus as the Center
Session 7: Community with Jesus as the Center
Session 8: Intimacy with Jesus as the Center
Prior to meeting with a Pastor, please fill out the Personal History Worksheet and return it to Kamy Beattie at the church office, or by emailing it to .