Consider Small Groups Class
Sunday, April 27, 2025, 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
At Coram Deo, small groups are a community of people meeting in each other’s homes who are committed to the same goal: growing in Christ. It’s community for the sake of discipleship; allowing God’s Word to saturate our lives as we live together in Christian fellowship.
Watch this video to hear more about small groups at Coram Deo, as well as testimonies from small group members at our church:
If you are interested in joining a small group, we ask that you attend a Consider Small Groups class. During this 30-minute class, you will hear more about how a small group operates, the commitment necessary to join one, and next steps to getting connected to a small group. Consider Small Groups is offered the third Sunday of every month at 10:30am.
Small Group Questions are meant to guide discussion, growth, and accountability for small groups who want to use the current sermon series as their weekly meeting topic. It is available weekly as a downloadable PDF.