Women's Ministry

The Purpose of Coram Deo Women:

To glorify God by providing discipleship opportunities for women to know God through His Word while growing in the joy of an abundant life in Christ

Who We Are

Coram Deo Women is an ongoing, intentional discipleship ministry for women of all ages and stages. Through Bible studies, Moms4Moms, prayer gatherings, and other incredible special events, there are plenty of opportunities to grow in the Word of God while connecting in community with other Christ-minded women. 

Ladies, we'd love for you to come and be a part of what God is doing in and through this ministry! It is our hope that you will find Coram Deo Women to be a place where you will be encouraged, edified, and spurred on in your walk with Christ as you discover the abundant joy of a life lived for Him.

Women's Spring Retreat

with Special Guest Kelly Needham • May 2 & 3

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Bible Studies

Be encouraged, edified, and uplifted through Bible-centered teaching, engaging biblical discussion, prayer, and accountability in our Women's Bible Studies! Studies combine large group teaching with a small group discussion format.

Current Opportunities

If no studies are listed, please check back at a later date


Moms4Moms is a monthly time of encouragement, community, and practical teaching to equip moms to raise their children on the foundation of the Bible.

Upcoming Gatherings

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Annual Events

Each year, we host two incredible annual events: our Women's Spring Retreat and our Women's Christmas Event!
If no events are listed, please check back at a later date.

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God@Work: Donya, Christina & Becky

See God at work in the lives of two friends who discovered a deep love for Christ along with the incredible blessing of...

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Explore the drop-downs below to discover resources to help you dive deeper in your faith.

Books We Love!

Praying the Bible

Donald S. Whitney

Learn to prayer through Scripture with fervency while growing closer to God each day.

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus

Nabeel Qureshi

Nabeel’s personal journey from growing up in a loving, Islamic home to hearing about the truth of Christianity.

Safely Home

Randy Alcorn

A novel that is an engaging story which also addresses Christian persecution in China.

Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity

Nancy Pearcy

How to think as a Christian on secular topics.

A Long Obedience in the Same Direction: Discipleship in an Instant Society 

Eugene Peterson

A study of Psalms 120–134; encouragement to persevere as disciples and pilgrims.

Same Kind of Different as Me 

Ron Hall & Denver Moore

The actual story of a modern-day slave, an international art dealer, and the unlikely woman who bound them together.

When God Weeps 

Joni Eareckson Tada & Steve Estes

This book will confront questions often raised about God in difficult seasons. Readers are left encouraged and faith-fueled with the truth and joy of God’s Character.

Women of the Word 

Jen Wilkin

This book is an awesome read that teaches women how to read the Bible.

Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus 

Kyle Idleman

This book challenges us to count the cost and privilege of living a life fully sold out for Christ.

Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus 

Elyse M. Fitzpatrick & Jessica Thompson

There are so many sources of advice to navigate when parenting, but this book gets to the heart of the matter: pointing our children to the glorious love of our Savior and the beauty of the Gospel in all aspects of life.

Competing Spectacles: Treasuring Christ in the Media Age 

Tony Reinke

Distractions abound in our life. This book will challenge you to keep your eyes fixed on Christ while establishing wise patterns of use with technology.

Something Needs to Change 

David Platt

Coming face-to-face with hardship can be the springboard to a life-change that leads to wholehearted commitment to God and caring for His people.

Messy Grace 

Caleb Kaltenbach

Responding to the command to love our neighbors can be difficult, yet this book shows how to hold to our convictions while still extending love to our hurting world.

A Praying Life 

Paul E. Miller

Anyone looking for help in their prayer life will find encouragement in this book.

In His Image 

Jen Wilkin

Study the characteristics of God and better understand who God intends us to be. Be renewed and refreshed by placing your hope in our awesome God!

Just Ask 

J.D. Greear

Discover practical tips for prayer in your everyday life while being challenged to find joy and hope in its power!

Delighting in the Trinity 

Michael Reeves

Explore the basic beliefs of Christianity, and find security in the foundation of our hope.

The Prodigal God

Timothy Keller

This book will leave you enamored with the tender and amazing love of God.

Mere Christianity 

C.S. Lewis

This book provides powerful legitimacy for Christianity.

Confronting Christianity 

Rebecca McLaughlin

While answering questions in our culture can seem a daunting task, this book points back to a love that fuels our obedience to love our world with the truth of God’s Word.


David Platt

As believers, this book challenges us to transform our dreams to align with the Gospel.

Gentle & Lowly 

Dane C. Ortlund

This book is a wonderful read for weary Christians needing to be reminded of God’s invitation to find rest in Him.

Social Sanity in an Insta World

Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra

Explore how to glorify God through the potentials and pitfalls of social media. A great book to read with your children!

The Right Kind of Strong 

Mary Kassian

What does it mean to be a woman who lives in God’s mighty power rather than our own? This book unpacks how we as women can walk in wisdom and freedom, strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.

Embrace Your Life

Elizabeth Woodson

How to find joy when the life you have is not what you hoped for.

Fruitful Theology

Ronnie Kurtz

Instead of theology leading to anger, division, and discord, this book shows that the life of the mind can actually lead to the fruit of the Spirit.

A Gospel Primer for Christians

Milton Vincent

Here is a valuable tool to preach the Gospel to yourself daily to strengthen your faith and define what you believe and why.

Enough About Me

Jen Oshman

This book calls women to look away from themselves in order to find the abundant life God offers them—contrasting the cultural emphasis on personal improvement and empowerment with what the Scriptures say about a life rooted, built up, and established in the Gospel.

Cultural Counterfeits

Jen Oshman

Be encouraged to reject the empty, destructive promises that idols offer and embrace something much more satisfying. This timely and compelling resource will help women find freedom and joy as they explore God’s good design and purpose for their lives.

Knowable Word

Peter Krol

Learn the basics of inductive Bible study in a few minutes; gain valuable skills for a lifetime.

You are a Theologian

J.T. English & Jen Wilkin

This book invites you to become not merely a consumer of theology, but a contributor to the conversation, and to grow in faithfulness to the Great Commission’s call to make disciples.

Parenting with Hope

Melissa Kruger

This encouraging and practical guide will equip you with the wisdom to cultivate a Christ-centered household, passing on a legacy of faithfulness to your teenage children.

When People are Big and God is Small

Ed Welch

This groundbreaking work has helped countless numbers of people to confront their fear of man and live in freedom.

From Garden to Glory

Courtney Doctor

This engaging journey through God’s grand story of Scripture will deepen your gratitude and awe as you discover how the God of the Bible has stopped at nothing to bring you back to Himself.

Growing Together

Melissa Kruger

This book helps both the mentor and the mentee know where to start, what to cover, and how to make it work so that the mentoring relationship is a source of joy and growth for everyone involved.


J.C. Ryle

The twenty papers contained in this volume are a humble contribution to a cause which is exciting much interest in the present day—the cause of scriptural holiness.

Everyday Faithfulness

Glenna Marshall

Working through the unique challenges that come with seasons of waiting, caretaking, suffering, worry, spiritual dryness, and more, this book delves into practical ways to build habits into everyday life that will aid in spiritual growth throughout a lifetime.

Memorizing Scripture

Glenna Marshall

This book provides practical tools for scripture memorization in order to write God's Word on your heart.


Paul David Tripp

Uncovering the lies we believe about all the earthly things that promise us peace, life, and contentment, Paul Tripp redirects our gaze to God’s awe-inducing glory―showing how such a vision has the potential to impact our every thought, word, and deed.

Holy Sexuality and the Gospel

Christopher Yuan

Whether you want to share Christ with a loved one who identifies as gay or you're wrestling with questions of identity yourself, this book will help you better understand sexuality in light of God's grand story and realize that holy sexuality is actually good news for all.

Podcasts We Love!


An engaging podcast growing women to know and love God and His Word, find hope in the Gospel, and invest deeply in their local churches as they go on mission for the glory of God.

Risen Motherhood

Exists to encourage, equip, and challenge moms to apply the Gospel to their everyday lives.

The Bible Recap

A one-year guide to reading through the Bible in a year. Each podcast is about 8 minutes long and is hosted by Tara-Leigh Cobble. 

Knowing Faith

Exploring how our faith is founded on Scripture. Hosted by Jen Wilkin, JT English & Kyle Worley.

The Briefing

A daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview. Hosted by Albert Mohler.


A podcast from the Colson Center. The Center exists to help you understand your place in God’s story, and serve God with clarity, confidence, and courage.

What’s News

Morning and afternoon updates on current news. Provided by the Wall Street Journal. 

Alisa Childers Podcast

Alisa tackles tough questions with sound, biblical doctrine.

The Cabincast

Great for road trips! Especially if you are going to a cabin on a lake. Hosted by two Wisconsin natives with fun topics and interviews.

Pardon the Mess

Pardon the Mess offers real and raw truth about parenting our kids with biblical truth in a fast-changing world.

The MAVEN Parent Podcast

Brett and Erin Kunkle guide you through Christian parenting in a secular culture with wisdom and a bunch of practical help.

Strong Women Podcast

Today’s narrative surrounding womanhood is characterized by extremes, each decrying the other as shallow, misguided, or unfulfilling. The Strong Women Podcast represents a community of women coming together to explore a third way: a deeper vision that affirms the origins, humanity, value, and creativity of women.

All Things with Jen Oshman

All things were created through Jesus and for Jesus. Jen's podcast seeks to apply His Word to what’s happening here and now.

The World and Everything in it

The World and Everything in it delivers essential headlines, field reporting, interviews, and expert analysis every weekday. Hear original coverage such as a weekly overview of every Supreme Court case, biblical cultural analysis, and key international stories.

Daily Grace Podcast

The Daily Grace Podcast invites women to join in their conversation about our great God, and to be encouraged to seek a deeper knowledge of God that leads them to live their lives for God’s glory as they grow in love and awe in response to who He is.

The Crossway Podcast

Hosted by Matt Tully, The Crossway Podcast is a show that sits down with authors each week for thoughtful interviews about the Bible, theology, church history, and the Christian life.


Hosted by Collin Hansen for The Gospel Coalition, the Gospelbound Podcast is a podcast for those searching for firm faith in an anxious age. Each week, Collin talks with insightful guests about books, ideas, and how to navigate life by the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a post-Christian culture.

The Gospel Coalition Podcast

The Gospel Coalition Podcast features keynote and breakout sessions from TGC's national, regional, and women's conferences.

Ask Pastor John

John Piper answers tough theological and pastoral questions.

The Family Discipleship Podcast

FDP is a podcast of imperfect parents having conversations about the critically important and mostly ordinary work of leading at home, hosted by Adam Griffin, Chelsea Griffin, and Cassie Bryant.

Unshaken Faith

It takes conviction and courage to stand unshaken in a culture where the battle rages between the authority of God and the millions who obey the authority of the self. Alisa Childers and Natasha Crain will help you be equipped, emboldened, and encouraged to speak truth without fear, to love the way God loves, and to stand firm no matter the cost.


Marked is a podcast for women who are marked by a hunger for God's Word, a longing to impact culture, and a desire to discover and live out God's calling in their lives.

Tiny Theologians

This adventure podcast for kids is fun, upbeat, and rich with biblical theology. Each week, kids can join TJ and Tory as they adventure through the attributes of God.

The Natasha Crain Podcast

In this podcast, Natasha equips Christians to think biblically about worldviews, apologetics, culture, and parenting in a challenging secular world.

Confronting Christianity Podcast

Confronting Christianity is a podcast where hard questions are faithfully explored by Rebecca McLaughlin.

Recommended Websites
Bible Study Resources
How to Share the Gospel

Volunteer Opportunities

From small group leaders and greeters to room coordinators and tech, we have plenty of ways to serve within Women's Ministry!

Women's Ministry Volunteers

VolunteerCoram Deo Women

Ladies, serve Coram Deo Women by leading a small group, greeting, running tech, or helping with room set-up during Bible studies.

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