Worship Team
VolunteerWorship & ProductionSunday Worship ServicesCoram Deo CollegeCoram Deo Students
Has God gifted you musically? Join the Worship Team as we lead the people of God in passionate worship for the glory of God.
Want to know what songs we sang during worship services last Sunday? Check out our setlist on Spotify!
Want to see the full list of songs we're rotating through in this current season of ministry? Check out our Current Rotation Playlist on Spotify!
Is about ministry first. The role of the Production Department is to communicate the message of God's truth without distraction. Participants in this ministry understand clearly that, while their work is done behind the scenes, they are the caretakers of the message—responsible for making sure that its communication proceeds purely and unhindered.
As a support function, when done well, Production often goes unnoticed to the general population. At Coram Deo, however, we recognize Production is not simply a support function. It is a ministry and an art form in itself.
There are many opportunities to serve with our Worship & Production Ministry Teams, both on the weekend and for various ministries throughout the week.
Has God gifted you musically? Join the Worship Team as we lead the people of God in passionate worship for the glory of God.
Want to serve behind-the-scenes? Join the Production Team as we help ensure the message of God's truth is delivered without distraction.
If no events are listed, please check back at a later date